“With that, the computer-generated animated series Beast Wars: Transformers had begun. Premiering in late September 1996, the series was the first American venture for the Transformers franchise since the original cartoon concluded almost a decade earlier. With a new style of animation and the use of animal transformations as opposed to vehicles, Transformers fans initially met the show with skepticism. Still, before long, Beast Wars was embraced for its dynamic writing and vivid characters.” Read more at Inverse Set photos from the untitled 5th Indiana Jones movie are here, giving us our first glimpse at Harrison Ford wielding the whip once again, and Mads Mikkelson as the unknown villain. Read more at The Mary Sue We have our first look at Dune star Timothee Chalamet as Willy Wonka in the upcoming reboot, and he sure is rocking that top hat. “When Timothée Chalamet was first cast as this generation’s Willy Wonka in Paddington director Paul King’s new candy origin movie Wonka, we had a lot of questions. Questions like: ‘Why?’ or ‘What?’ or ‘Is the Timothée Chalamet Wonka just going to be a sensitive young man with long, dark hair wearing a top hat and a long coat?’ Well, Chalamet has posted a photo of himself as Willy Wonka on social media, and… yeah, it’s exactly that.” Read more at The A.V. Club Ghostface from Scream is back and is reminding us why we all fell in love with the slasher franchise in the first place. Read more at Gizmodo Hit show Squid Game might’ve given the video game Fall Guys the boost it needed to resurrect a hidden mini-game. “During a recent TechRadar interview, Fall Guys lead game designer Joe Walsh said the dev team at Mediatonic is currently toying with the idea of retrieving an unused minigame from the cutting-room floor. And it’s all thanks to Netflix’s latest original series, Squid Game.” Read more at Kotaku LEGO announced that the details on their iconic Minifigures will be gender-neutral from now on. Read more at Jezebel