Anyone familiar with Lost Ark‘s other Martial Artist classes will probably be vaguely familiar with Glaiviers’ basic design. They’re essentially elaborate brawlers who rely on their speed and some sneaky abilities to punish both PvE and PvP opponents. What separates the Glaivier from most other Lost Ark classes is their somewhat complicated resource management system built around a stance-swapping mechanic that can be tricky to master. So, if you’re interested in trying to learn the Glaivier class but know where to start, here’s a brief look at what you need to know about building the best Glaivier character possible.

Lost Ark: Best Glaivier Builds For PvE and PvP

There are two main types of Glaivier builds in Lost Ark: Control and Pinnacle. The Focus stance, meanwhile, is all about making the most out of some truly devastating spear-based strikes. Some of the Glaiver’s hardest hitting abilities are limited to the Focus stance. To sweeten the deal further, swapping to this stance will also reward you with various buffs. The further along your Identity Meter is when you make the swap from Flurry to Focus, the bigger the buff. A Pinnacle Glaivier player is looking to balance their use of both those stances in order to make the most out of the various abilities and bonuses each offer. While your choice between those stances will often be determined by your current situation, you’ll also need to learn how to maximize your Identity Gauge so that you always swap into Focus stance when the biggest buff possible is available. In other words, Pinnacle Glaivier builds are pure stance dancers. Control Glaivier builds ignore the Focus stance skills entirely. While that means that they miss out on some of the class’ biggest attacks and best buffs, it also means that they don’t have to worry about managing their resources quite as much. They’re also better able to focus on the class’ speed-based abilities and sneakier attacks. The truth of the matter is that the decision between Control and Pinnacle often comes down to your personal preference. While one may technically be more powerful than the other, you’re not going to get the most out of a build you’re not comfortable with or don’t even enjoy using. Having said that, I tend to recommend giving the Pinnacle build a shot first. If you find that you’re just not able to balance your time between the two stances (or don’t like the micromanagement involved with that process), then you can always swap over to a Control build. Pinnacle lets you try a little of both, and it’s incredibly powerful once you get the hang of it.

Lost Ark: Best Glaivier PvE Build

View the Full Glaivier PvE Build Here

Lost Ark: Best Glaivier PvP Build

View the Full Glaivier PvP Build Here